So far most wind car designs for modern automobiles are pretty much on the drawing board, yet soon they will be ready for mass production. Wind Cars are the ultimate in alternative energy running on wind power or a combination hybrid running on wind and another type of propulsion such as fuel cells or ethanol blended fuels. Recently the product phase of such a concept came up in an online think tank and one UK reporter asked us;
"How are you going to go about getting them made professionally or set up as a business, if at all?"
Making the first prototypes are not difficult, except for those requiring laser assist to make vortex suction propulsion. This is one of the most preferred designs so far on the drawing board. For most all the other wind powered and hybrid wind power assisted designs, it appears all these automobiles can made in an average machine shop with a large clean garage attached, not a problem. It only requires someone with the balls to take the funding risk.
We find fewer entrepreneurial capitalists out there these days, I think everyone is afraid of the dark really? Too bad such an efficient species as the human race is afraid to press on. Human spirit and human will are the mainstay of this species and perhaps its only true redeeming quality. Too many in our human civilizations lack forward progressive thinking and will not take the risk/reward steps necessary to propel the human race. Don't you kind of feel sorry for all these pathetic humans? Nevertheless a strong entrepreneurial company could make this happen fairly easily. Consider this in 2006.
Lance Winslow

Friday, December 28, 2007
The Business of Manufacturing Wind Cars Professionally
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6:55 PM
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